Welcome Natalya Lynn Pradel, my first granddaughter!

Today my wife and I welcomed into our life our first grandchild, a beautiful baby girl weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces. She came to the world through a C section which was scary for a grandfather. What occurred to me in my geeky mind was what type of technologies would be a regular part of her life. During the beginning of labor, my daughter was posting her status on facebook, interesting way to keep her adoring public informed. Sharing photos with friends around the world happened in mere seconds, fascinating stuff to be sure. Yep, growing up I witnessed a computer with two floppy disks which was the envy of everyone near and far. Today, if you’re not online, you’re out of touch. Grandma Pradel is busy showing pictures of her new grandchild to everyone from her ipad.

So will the cloud be a way for my new granddaughter to get the technology that she needs? Will it be private clouds, public clouds, federated private/public? Will she take advantage of SaaS, IaaS? I’m sure she will and it will be as natural as the 8 track player I grew up with in my car. 

Welcome Natalya Lynn Pradel to our little corner of the world, I promise to spoil you to the best of my ability.


Until next time…


Virtually Speaking……Grandpa George

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